Frequently Asked Questions

On this page you will find the most frequently asked questions regarding the

  • training plan
  • portfolio
  • courses
  • VU and UvA doctoral regulations
  • and other PhD related matters. 

Drop-in consultation hour

Join our open consultation hours on the first and last Thursday of each month. 
Click here for details and times.

OOA Training Plan

What are mandatory activities for the OOA training plan?
Click here for an overview of the mandatory items in the OOA Training plan.

Please note: for NKI PhD students the following additional activitites are  mandatory:

  • Visiting the OOA retreat (twice) 
  • Annual supervisory comitte meetings
  • Write a scientific paper at least one time 

– How many ECTS can be earned with a specific activity? 
You should follow the ECTS credits indicated on the course or conference certificate. For all other activities without a certifiate, you can calculate the ECTS credits using the following formula: 28 hours of work =  1 ECTS.

 – I will defend my thess at the UvA, do I need to obtain 30 mandatory ECTS? Did you start your PhD after 1-1-2021? Than you have to adhere to the OOA   

I am an external (abroad) or clinical phd, do I need to complete the 30 ECTS?
Yes, every PhD student needs to earn 30 ECTS and comply to the Training Plan.
Please contact ooa-tp@amsterdamumc is you need help or advice for a tailored training plan. 

Which courses can I follow?
Click here for an overview of the OOA courses. 
Click here for an overview of professional knowledge skill courses.
Click here for an overview of general skill courses.
Check the starters package for more course inspiration.

Furthermore, you can select other courses which are beneficial for your PhD project.


-All portfolios will be assessed according to the OOA training plan regulations, regardless of the PhD candidate’s start date.

If you started your PhD before January 1, 2021, and defend your thesis at VU University, you likely arranged a training plan according to the CCA regulations. These plans will also be evaluated based on the OOA regulations, which have fewer mandatory activities. For example: the Basic Oncology Course is not mandatory anymore. 

– How many ECTS can be earned with a specific activity? 
You should follow the ECTS credits indicated on the course or conference certificate. For all other activities without a certifiate, you can calculate the ECTS credits using the following formula: 28 hours of work =  1 ECTS.

VU/VUmc PhD trajectory

– Can I change my supervisory team?
Yes, after your registration or during your PhD changes in your supervisory team are possible. However, the Dean has to approve this change. 
Please send an motivated request to promoties-decanalezaken@vumc.nl 

– How many supervisors can my supervisory team 
The standard compositon of a supervisory team is 2 promotors and 2 co promotors. In exceptional cases it is possible to assign 3 co-promotors but 4 supervisors is the maximum. In even more exceptional cases 3 promotors and 1 co-promotor is also possible. This could be approved when a PhD project includes multiple organization, institutions or disciplines. 

The VUmc Dean has to approve Please send a motivated request to promoties-decanalezaken@vumc.nl.

-My promotor is an associate professor, can they become my promotor? – IUS promovendi
If one of your supervisors holds the title of Associate Professor, they can act as a promotor by special grant of the dean.
Click here for the instructions on how to request the IUS promovendi.

-I want to defend my thesis at multiple universities – Joint/double degree
Click here for instruction on how to apply for a joint of double degree. Scroll down to the tile ‘Joint degree’

Hora Finita 
-I have no VUnet ID, how can I login to Hora Finita?
You don’t need a VUnet ID to enter Hora Finita. You can use your Amsterdam UMC account or login manually using your E number as the username. 

-I don’t know my password.
Request a new password via the website. 

-I don’t know my username.
Search in your mailbox for the first registration mail from Hora Finita for either the E number or your Amsterdam UMC account. Do you need help? Contact OOA-TP@amsterdamumc.nl

-Can you help me with procedures or other steps in Hora Finita? 
Various guidelines (also for supervisors!) are available on the VU website. Scrol down to the ‘Hora Finita’ tile. 
Click here for the VU website.

UvA/AMC PhD trajectory

-My promotor is an associate professor, can they become my promotor? – IUS promovendi
Click here for instruction how to apply for a joint of double degree.

Other PhD related matters
-Is there a thesis reimbursments available?

  • For PhD students who defend their thesis at the VU and UvA:
    Please check this page on the CCA website.
  • For students working at the NKI: The NKI-AvL will contribute to the printing costs of the thesis, provided you have fulfilled all the requirements defined in the OOA Training and Supervision Plan. Applicable conditions and the application form are available on MyAntonet.

-I stopped my PhD trajectory, who should I inform?
Please inform the OOA and the Dean’s office of your university with your supervisor in cc.
OOA via ooa-tp@amsterdamumc.nl
VU: contact promoties-decanalezaken@amsterdamumc.nl
UvA: contact promotiezaken@amc.uva.nl